Hear ye, hear ye! 
We are delighted to finally announce the winners of our coronation picture caption competition.
After much deliberation, we have actually picked two winners so a huge congratulations to Jenni at Eco Ness and Jean Fyfe who will shortly be receiving their Highland Fine Cheeses selection box prizes!
Their answers were:
• Terribly sorry but did you just say “Minger”? (Jenni)
• Who’s a minger? (Jean)
Honourable mentions also to:
• Let’s agree to disabrie. (James McMahon)
• My Camilla loves a good minger. (David C Purvis)
• I talk to flowers but you talk to cheese!?! (William Burgess)
• It is always good to have a piece of Minger on your big day. (Alastair Dobson)
Many thanks again to everyone who joined in and took part!